Safety and Environmental

Lion Rock Construction safety and health policy HK

Safety and Environmental management is a critical aspect of construction, and it is essential for construction companies in Hong Kong to have an effective approach to manage the safety and environmental risks.

At Lion Rock Construction Limited we are fully committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all our people.

The key to success on any construction project is the proper planning and communication prior to the commencement of any work. This is particularly important in the safety and space.


At Lion Rock Construction Limited we have developed the motto “Work Smart, Plan the Start” as a daily reminder to all our people to properly plan and communicate the work activities prior to commencement.

We will ensure the effective, safe delivery of our works by implementing the following:

Planning and risk management

Proper Planning and risk assessments will be conducted prior to the works. Hazards and mitigations will be clearly communicated to all workers.

Implement safety and environmental controls

At Lion Rock Construction Limited we believe that the best form of control is Hazard elimination. We will implement controls to manage the safety and environmental risks including measures such as segregation, personal protective equipment, hazard communication, emergency response plans.

Regular safety and environmental inspections, auditing and monitoring

Regular and visible safety inspections will be conducted by all levels of Lion Rock Construction management. Audits will be conducted to ensure compliance with all implemented safety and environmental controls. All inspections and audits will be reviewed to identify reoccurring issues that will be addressed by revising existing or implementing new procedures.


All workers will receive regular training on the companies safety and environmental policy’s as well as any job specific requirement. This training will include information on hazard identification, risk assessment and control measures.

"Work Smart, Plan the Start"